Javelin Success training is divided into the following sections below:
- Online Certificate Courses,
- General workshops suitable for life and work,
- Specific workplace skills training and
- Good mental health & wellbeing workshops.
The Javelin Certificate in Emotional Intelligence
This is a full 6-module online certificate course in Emotional Intelligence. The training comprises over 50 lessons with a minimum of 15 hours of learning. However, there are additional resources available and it is up to you how much time you wish to spend reading further into each topic. On completing the course you will be better equipped to deal with your own emotions, increasing your own EQ and have better communication and interaction skills with others.
Effective Coaching Training
This 3-hour training workshop is an interactive in-person class introducing you to coaching.
Coaching has become popular in recent years, especially in the workplace. However, in this workshop you will learn coaching skills that not only can be used in the workplace, but which also can be incorporated into everyday life, those that help with communication, interpersonal skills and problem solving, both in the workplace and life, in general.
If you are interested in coaching but not sure whether you wish to pursue a fully accredited expensive course, then this is the place to start, as it will give you more than a taster of what coaching is really about.
Emotional Resilience Training
This 3-hour face-to-face training workshop will give you the opportunity to measure your resilience through the use of the RQ test.
In this training, you will also explore the key to building your resilience. You will learn new coping skills and develop your communication skills. This workshop is suitable for all, but will especially benefit those in a leadership position, whether paid or voluntary.
Emotionally Intelligent Leadership
This 3-hour workshop is training for those wishing to understand what we mean by emotional intelligence, to learn more about themselves and how they lead others. This course is especially for those who have people and leadership responsibilities.
Conflict Management in Organisations
This is a 3-hour interactive training workshop was initially developed for workplace settings, but can equally be applied to any organisation, or where people have to work together, whether paid or voluntary.
So it is useful for groups and teams within or across organisations. The course can also be made bespoke to your particular organisational needs. The minimum number required for the workshop is 6 but works best with about 12 people to allow for group work, with a maximum of about 20.
Conflict is something which is inevitable where there are groups of people. But how it is dealt with, is what determines outcomes.
Career Skills
This is one-to-one bespoke training support for individuals seeking to improve their chances for promotion or to enhance their skills when seeking work. It will be the combination of coaching, training and mentoring, depending on client needs
Personal and Professional Excellence
This is a 2-hour workshop exploring how we can improve our personal and professional excellence.
Available Autumn 2023!
Good Mental Health and Wellbeing
'Keeping your head'
Managing your time.
This is a brief 1 hour training workshop that works well when delivered to a small group in the workplace.
It has also been adapted to be made available for the individual who needs time out for themselves to explore how they can manage time and stress.
In this age of information overload, we will set one hour aside to explore strategies on effective time management and coping with stress in a world that can feel chaotic, full of noise, ‘screen sickness’ and busyness.
Stress Management
This 2-hour workshop was initially designed for teachers, but has also been adapted to work with parent groups, and small teams of people in the community who have to cope with stressful and difficult situations.
If you are interested in this course you can register your interest by selecting the ‘coming soon’ button below and leaving your details for me in advance of the course going live.
'Free to be me' Training Course for Senior Citizens
This interactive training course is especially designed for Senior Citizens, consisting of six 2-hour sessions. The course helps to promote self-confidence, self-esteem and coping skills to encourage emotional resilience in difficult situations. The trainer endeavours to make the individual feel significant, and a valued part of society and it is hoped that each person can apply their new learned perspective and skills to enhance all aspects of their lives upon completing the course.
The sessions are held over a 6-week period and can be incorporated into activities for older people, for age-well programmes in the community and day centres. It has also benefitted Senior Citizens who are on Committees. A variety of media is employed throughout the course (such as puzzles, quizzes, video clips) to bring the learning to life each week. This course has been shown to improve the confidence and the wellbeing of our more aged members of society over the 6 week period. The course will especially appeal to client groups within the Voluntary (Charity) and Public Sectors.